Fashion, Wardrobe & Image Stylist


2015 Wardrobe Resolutions

You and millions of other people will be doing the same thing come January: resolving to make your life better by changing a habit or two or three. They might even come from this list of common goals:

• Lose weight
• Make more money
• Get healthier
• Be nicer
• Be less impulsive
• Count my blessings

Wouldn’t it be grand if we could accomplish all of that? Yes! But chances are we won’t. However, using our fashion eyes we can make a difference in every single item on this list. It could be easier than you think!


Lose weight: Instead of focusing on losing some pounds this year, how about learning how best to wear clothing that suits your shape. You can actually LOOK like you’ve lost five pounds or more just by putting together an outfit that suits your frame or balances it.

Body Composition

Make more money: Instead of worrying about increasing your income by 10%, how about focusing on getting more value from your current investments? This year could be the year you create more outfits from the clothes and accessories that already live in your closet. By reworking your wardrobe and creating new outfits from your existing wardrobe, you are decreasing the need to go out and spend more.


Get healthier: Did you know that you could look healthier, younger, even refreshed by choosing colors that inherently make you look that way? It’s hard to believe it could be that easy but wearing your best colors could result in a comment like this: “Wow, you look like you’ve been to a health spa for a month! What’s your secret?”

Be nicer: Being nice to others is an admirable goal. Start by being nice to yourself. For instance, take time for yourself to get ready for your day and create a positive image. This in itself is a gift to others. Make a pact with yourself to compliment yourself and three other people each day. Soon it will be a pleasant ritual.


Be less impulsive: Are you impulsive when it comes to shopping? Are you quick to buy sale items even when they’re not quite right? Do you purchase clothes without trying them on? These impulsive behaviors can disappear when you replace them with a new habit. Vow in 2015 to only buy what you love and only those items that stay true to your style. If you’re shopping online or shopping without time to try things on, be sure you take time when you’re home to see if everything fits and looks great. If they don’t, send them back.



Count my blessings: Focus on what you have rather than what you don’t. You can look great just the way you are. You don’t need longer legs, a thinner waist or more money in your bank account. You just need to appreciate and work with what you have. Be the best version of you and you’ll naturally be a blessing to all.


Do these goals seem unattainable? They aren’t. Especially when you call me. I can help you look your best and feel your best in 2015. Working together I can help you be smart about how you shop, educate you about fit and styling, and teach you how to gracefully accept the compliments that will be coming your way.