Fashion, Wardrobe & Image Stylist


Spring Fashion Trends – 2016

Q&A for Spring Fashion 2016

A new trend season can sometimes be overwhelming. The looks on the runway seem far fetch from what you’ll be wearing in your ever day. If you are viewing magazines and runways, try to hone in on what you are drawn to in an outfit, not the whole thing. It could be a color, a pattern, a piece, or a texture. Make a mental note and be inspired but do it your own way.
When stores, store windows, or online catalogues start bombarding you with the latest must-have trends, it can be overwhelming! Suddenly your fashion confidence can fade as you see looks on models who don’t have your body shape or in your age group. But don’t fear fashion! I am here to help.

I’ve compiled a list of questions that are going to be top of mind once you’ve previewed fashion’s key spring looks. My answers may surprise you. I want to help you find your confidence and at the same time avoid making expensive mistakes.

Q: I love the all white look, but how do I wear it?
A: This all white look looks fabulous on the runway and on the pages of glossy fashion magazines. In real life, in your private dressing room in a store near you, it may look sterile and flat. One way to play with this look is to be less literal about wearing the color white. Use a broader paintbrush and introduce multiple shades of white in a single outfit. Consider mixing pieces in cream, ivory, soft white and bright white. This can be such an appealing and sophisticated look.
Just Right White
Q: I want to mix prints, but how do I do it without looking like I don’t own a mirror.
A: Your best bet will be mixing bold prints with dainty prints and being sure the prints share at least one color in common. This year designers are having fun mixing stripes. For example, you can mix large, bold striped bottoms with a pinstriped top. One print needs to be dominant. You can use this rule with almost any style of print: polka dots, floral prints, animal prints, etc.
Q: I’ve been living in pants but I think I want to venture out and try skirts or dresses. Where do I start?
A: Now is the best time to try wearing a skirt or dress because as with pant widths, all skirt and dress lengths are in style this season. Take the time to discover what length is best for you, whether it’s a mini skirt, or a  dress that lands at the knee, mid-calf or ankle. Also try to zero in on the fabrics you want to wear. Skirts and dresses come in cotton,  denim, silk, or leather. Whatever mood you’re in, you’ll find a look that’s right for you.
Choose your perfect length


Q: I’ve been wearing skinnies for so long. Do I have to switch to a wider leg pant because it’s the latest thing?  

A: You definitely do not; all pant widths are “in” this season. The advantage to trying this wider leg pant now is that you may discover it looks fabulous on you! When you capture a new silhouette trend at the beginning of the season, you look modern and stylish and will inspire others to wear it too. Remember, skinnies were a new look once too. Take a chance on this pant style and see if it suits you!

Pants Widths


Q:  I’m totally overwhelmed by all the trends, what should I do? How should I approach it?

A:  One thing you can do is to imagine you are an artist. Color, fabrics, print, and details are all part of your artist’s toolkit. There’s a lot of experimenting going on so don’t be shy. Browse, observe, and try things on.

And remember, I am eager to help you figure out what’s right for you this season. It would be my pleasure to help you find what’s just right for you. Give me a call and we’ll get our calendars synched up. Fun fashion is close at hand!

I’m excited to tell you that I am a Contributing Author in an exciting new book entitled “Refusing to Quit”.  This book profiles women over 60 who have done remarkable things.  You can purchase this book on Amazon by clicking here.

Have fun in your closet this spring,
